Blood: The Last Vampire Trailer

This live action film, based on the anime released in 2000, has already been seen in Japan and the UK and will be released in North American cinemas on July 10. It doesn’t look like it’s getting an Aussie theatrical release. Oh well.

Driven By Lemons Preview

Joshua Cotter came to fame with his OGN Skyscrapers of the Midwest and has a new book coming out in September from AdHouse Books. Basically, it’s a journal, which I’m always intrigued by. AdHouse describes it thusly;

“Up the stream of consciousness without a paddle.” — From the creator who brought you Skyscrapers of the Midwest comes a sketchbook replica of recent multimedia explorations in intuitive narrative. Won’t you be his neighbor?

Below are a few pages from the 104 page book.


