Watchmen Ending

This is pretty funny, but won’t mean anything to non-fanboys. If you know the ending of Watchmen (the comic series) and the uproar in the comics community about the altered cinema ending, then this re-done clip from a recent Hitler film will make you laugh. I’m seeing Watchmen on Saturday and am quite excited about it. Director Zack Snyder knows what he’s doing, the studio is surprisingly behind him, and so far I have yet to read  a bad review. Plus, it’s drawing people into comic shops and bookstores to buy the 1986 original that inspired the film. Anyway, check out the video below, but beware of subtitled profanity and spoilers.


  1. Personally, I can’t wait to see it. Going to see an advance screening tonight. Zack Snyder has gone on record to say that the squid would require so much extra backstory.. The movie is already 2 and a half hours long for crying out loud, they changed it in par with the original story, it’s believable in the world of the Watchmen so it works. But we’ll see tonight, We’ll see if they ruin it or not, but personally, I’m optimistic

  2. Yeah, I’m optimistic too. The intent is the same, but the squid may be too much for the big screen. I think you may be right. Hope you enjoy the film!

  3. I agree, as a pull for non-comic fans the squid would be a bit mental, they’ve done well as far as I’ve seen, roll on tonight!

  4. Yeah, the ending worked really well. I loved the movie, maybe you should read my review of it:

    Hope you enjoy it too mate!

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