Superman/Batman Animated Film


Public Enemies TPBSure, Marvel may be kicking DC’s butt in the battle of the cinema, but DC are winning the animated war. Marvel’s animated films (two Ultimate Avengers, Iron Man, Dr. Strange and Hulk Vs) have been disappointing, but DC’s (Superman/Batman, Justice League: The New Frontier, Wonder Woman) have been awesome. This year, after the recently announced Green Lantern: First Flight, the next release will be Superman/Batman: Public Enemies. This is great news indeed. The film will be based on the action packed first 6 issues of DC’s team-up title, by writer Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuiness. The official synopsis is below. I can’t wait. Go here for a sneak peek at the comic book  inspiration.




United States President Lex Luthor uses the oncoming trajectory of a
kryptonite asteroid to frame Superman and declare a $1 billion bounty
on the heads of the Man of Steel and his “partner in crime” Batman.
Super heroes and super villains alike launch a relentless pursuit of
Superman and Batman, who must unite – and recruit super help – to
stave off the action-packed onslaught, stop the asteroid, and uncover
Luthor’s devious plot to take command of far more than North America.