Savage Surrogates

savagedragon140_1My review for Savage Dragon #140 is now up at Broken Frontier. I haven’t read that title in a long time, but it felt like I was welcomed right back. It’s a good, old timey adventure. Gotta love Erik Larsen for sticking to his guns with this series.

I was also fortunate enough to interview Robert Venditti, the creator of The Surrogates, an awesome dystopian tale from Top Shelf that is in the process of becoming a film. Not bad for a first time writer who once worked in the mail room! The film should be interesting. It has a lot of great material to use, with its concept of citizens living vicariously through their robotic representatives, while an anti-tech uprising takes place. The film starts Bruce Willis and Ving Rhames, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they throw a few more action scenes in for good measure.