Aliens Screening

“Game over, man!”

I like all the Alien films, even Alien 3, and hope to work my way through all 60 hours of bonus content on the Blu-Ray Alien Anthology at some point. The good news is that if you’re a fan of the franchise, and its best entry and, if you’re in metro Western Australia, you can catch James Cameron’s great sequel on the big screen once more at Event Cinemas in Innaloo on December 8.

Go here for more details.

Green Lantern Trailer

And it’s here, more than a few months before the film debuts mid-2011. If you go and see the latest Harry Potter film, you’ll also see the brand new trailer for the Green Lantern film starring Ryan Reynolds as test pilot Hal Jordan, Blake Lively as love interest Carol Ferris, Peter Sarsgaard as huge-headed Hector Hammond and Mark Strong as Sinestro. It’s directed by Casino Royale’s Martin Campbell and is an origin film for the classic ring wielder. With a script from comics scribes Marc Guggenheim and Michael Green, and overseeing from DC’s golden boy Geoff Johns I had high hopes for this film. Then we all saw the very uninspiring glowing green costume on the cover of Entertainment Weekly. That thankfully seems to have changed since then.

The trailer seems a little too comedic and not as serious as the GL comics are (and they are serious in the way that only good superhero comics can get away with). However, the talent behind and before the camera is impressive and maybe this trailer, seeing as its the first official one, is just testing the water and going for the broadest strokes possible. With Kilowog, Tomar-Re and the GL’s planet/base Oa, it appears to be faithful to the page though.

You canĀ check it out here or below.