Charity Serenity Screening

This is a good diea. A good film too. Can’t Stop The Serenity is, well, I’ll let them describe it.

Can’t Stop the Serenity (CSTS) is a unique opportunity to indulge your geeky side while doing some good! Since 2006, fans have organized screenings of Joss Whedon’s Serenityto raise funds and awareness to support Equality Now in their work for the protection and promotion of the human rights of women around the world. Join us as we aim to misbehave for a good cause!

Serenity, is of course the film adaptation of Firefly, the unfortunately short-lived TV series from Joss Whedon , creator of Buffy, and writer/director of Marvel’s blockbuster film, The Avengers. Here’s the trailer to jog your memory, and here is where you can buy tickets for the Perth, Western Australia event.
